Action Update #10

Big Canyon Drive Improvement Continues…..

Dear Big Canyon Homeowners:

We are pleased to report the initial phase of our Community Improvement Plan - the renovation of Big Canyon Drive Pavement - is close to completion, on schedule, and within budget.  Both safety and visual upgrades were the objective and will now be the result.  Project planning involved meetings between our Big Canyon paving team, and temporarily-affected stakeholders, including Nordic Security and Jeremy Samson, General Manager of the Big Canyon Country Club, weeks before construction commenced to fully advise on work schedules and road closures, etc.
Certainly, our thanks go to all of you for your cooperation during this temporary disruption and especially to those homeowners who have taken time to send us their "positive reviews."

By way of a reminder, funding for the repaving project comes from our reserves budget following the successful passage of the Special Assessment voted on in December of last year.  The Special Assessment was necessary to correct our formally fragile reserves to a level that permits us to fund essential community improvements.  

With the pavement project completed, here is next on the list:

Community Safety remains a priority concerning excessive vehicle speeds along Big Canyon Drive.  The Board is currently reviewing several "traffic calming" options and technologies to reduce instances of speeding.  We expect to share our traffic calming action plans with homeowners soon.  

Security/Control of Community Access is also a priority.  The Board will be reviewing options for upgrading our entry environment, including guard houses and entry gates, to identify the best available "mix" of technology advancements and other security-specific options appropriate to Big Canyon.  To assist us in moving forward efficiently, the Board has retained the services of TC Collins & Associates as Project Manager.  TC Collins is a thirty-five-year-old Orange County-based real estate consulting company with expertise in construction management.  

As we proceed with these improvements, occasional inconveniences are unavoidable.  Surprises should be avoidable, however, so we will be issuing Action Updates as we proceed with our improvements.  As always, we urge you to read these messages.

Thank you in advance for your continued patience and cooperation.  

Your Board of Directors,

Marilyn French, Gerald Giannini, Michael Kaufman, Howard Lang, Michael Roney, Peter Scherer, Leonard Simon, Lillian Singelyn, Bill Taormina