Action Update #11

Big Canyon Drive Completion

Dear Big Canyon Homeowners:

Big Canyon Drive Repaving Project: It is now completed! On September 6th, we received confirmation from the pavement engineering firm, LaBelle Marvin, Inc., that the BCCA repaving project had successfully passed all required site inspections and multiple testing, including depths, compaction, finishing methods, material qualities, etc., in accordance with the original contract and project specifications. As stated in LaBelle Marvin's extensive report: "All work has been completed to date and no corrective actions and/or repairs are requested of the contractor." (For a copy of the Report, contact Scott Collins at

The Drive project came in on time and on budget with longevity, safety, and aesthetic upgrades being the goal - and now the result. The Board would like to thank our contractor, Premier Paving Inc., for their good work, along with everyone else involved, including BCCA homeowners who patiently weathered the temporary street inconveniences. 

Install of "New Traffic Calming" Measures: You may now have noticed the absence of speed bumps along Big Canyon Drive. In fact, speed bumps are no longer recognized by the State of California as an official traffic control device. We also know their removal is welcomed by many homeowners. However, traffic safety remains a priority. Past research indicates some 80 percent of vehicles entering or leaving our community routinely exceed the posted 30-mph speed limit. Many homeowners have expressed concern about this obvious danger, especially when walking dogs, riding bikes, operating golf carts, or simply looking to cross Big Canyon Drive.

As noted in our last Action Report, the Board has been reviewing and evaluating a number of new "traffic calming" options suited to Big Canyon. We are pleased to report that next month we will start phase-one of this important safety improvement - installation of six state-of-the-art radar speed-sensing devices along Big Canyon Drive. Speed-sensing devices will provide a digital read-out of each driver's speed as a reminder to maintain the 30-mph limit, while alerting those vehicle operators exceeding the limit to slow down. Phase-two will include the installation of radar speed capture cameras as a secondary traffic-calming component. More information on phase-two will be included in our next Action Update. 

The Board has contracted with Traffic Logix, a leading firm in traffic calming and safety solutions, to carry out this speed safety installation.

Thank you, as always, for your continued cooperation.

Your Board of Directors,

Marilyn French, Gerald Giannini, Michael Kaufman, Howard Lang, Michael Roney, Peter Scherer, Leonard Simon, Lillian Singelyn, Bill Taormina