Action Update #7

Out with the old, in with the new! Happy New Year!

The positive feedback received from our series of Action Updates in 2021 has committed us to continue these updates, with one cost savings change. As before, these important updates will be available on our website:, under the “Action Updates” Tab and sent to individual emails, thru the e-mailing service utilized by Seabreeze. After this update, without action on your part, these updates will no longer be sent via the USPS. If you have not provided your email address to Seabreeze, or if you would prefer to receive “Action Updates” via the USPS, please email your request to:, or mail to: Justin Breckenridge, 26840 Aliso Viejo Pkwy, Suite 100, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656. Please include a physical address where you want these Updates to be mailed.


The Big Canyon Drive repaving project is off and rolling. All the competitive bids have been received and are now being evaluated by LaBelle Marvin, the structural pavement engineering company that has been retained by the Board to oversee this project. A comparison assessment chart will be presented to the Board for review and to select the asphalt company. The project is scheduled to commence in late spring. Seabreeze Management, Nordic Security, the selected asphalt company and the Construction / Project Manager, LaBelle Marvin, will endeavor to keep everyone informed of schedules, closures, detours, etc. Electronic road work signs at both gates, and in areas where the actual work is underway will be in place to communicate update to date work status. There will be coordination with the sub associations, when road work will impact the entrance to their communities.



Your Action Update comments also highlighted the concerns many homeowners have regarding security, and we will be taking steps later this spring to increase certain vehicle access controls. We are advised that a “best practice” in developments like ours is to scan and record driver’s licenses of all entering vendors. By “vendor” we mean persons coming to your home to perform some service for which they will be paid, such as housekeepers, gardeners, health care professional & etc. It will not include your guests or relatives. Everyone entering our community, vendor, or guest, is provided with a pass and their vehicle and the vehicle license plate is scanned and uploaded into the data base. This makes our community less attractive to persons intending to commit a crime, will reduce property damage and lessen the frequency of overall disturbances. This is what the Newport Beach P.D. has recommended. Here is what is needed from you for this to work efficiently:

You MUST register, in advance, the visitors and vendors coming to your home. Ideally, you will do this by signing into our website: , where you are immediately offered buttons to “Add a New Vendor”, “Add a Guest” and so forth. If you do not know how to get onto the website but have a smart phone, make an appointment (East Gate Phone Number: 949-721-1129) to come to the East Gate and have Nordic walk you through accessing the website on your own phone and entering your information. If you do not have a smartphone, or you prefer to use a desktop or laptop computer from your home, call the East Gate and make an appointment for Kyle Hammer, Director of Security, to come to your house and assist you in getting onto Your computer can be set up so that accessing our website in the future will be very easy. Once this is in place, entry times can be greatly lessened. Your cooperation is critical for this to proceed successfully. Currently, when unregistered guests or vendors approach the gate, significant delays occur while the guard telephones the homeowner. This causes traffic to back up and creates frustration. Soon, any visitor – vendors and guests, who are NOT registered, in advance of their arrival, the Guard will no long attempt to call the Homeowner. Your visitor will be directed to pull out of the guest lane and use their cell phone to call their host/homeowner from their car. The homeowner will then need to call the guardhouse to authorize the entry. This can all be avoided by responsibly updating your visitor information in advance of anyone visiting your home.

As a reminder, our next Board meeting is scheduled for February 16, 2022, at 9 am at Big Canyon Country Club. The Homeowner Forum will be held at the beginning of the General Session. This is your opportunity to address the Board with a question or comment. This forum is governed by the California Civil Code (Davis-Stirling Act), and unless an item was placed on the distributed agenda, the ability of the Board to answer, to resolve or sometimes to even discuss such subjects is not permitted to occur at this meeting. The Board can decide to place such topics or questions on a future agenda. Members are welcome to remain as observers for the entire General Session but are reminded they are not permitted to enter Board discussions on agenda items. You may also send questions ahead of time to:

We are looking forward to a productive 2022.

Your Board of Directors,

Michael Brewer, Marilyn French, Gerald Giannini, Howard Lang, Michael Roney, J. Peter Scherer, Leonard Simon, Lillian Singelyn, Bill Taormina