Action Update #1

Latest Updates to Big Canyon Community

This year Big Canyon celebrates its 50th anniversary.  Recognized as the first luxury development in Newport Beach with exquisite landscaping, guard gates, superb amenities and elegant homes, our Community was then cited as “having hit the local real estate market with a bang!” 

 However, time has now taken its toll. Homeowners who invested in Big Canyon because of its unique lifestyle have become progressively aware of the deterioration in the Community’s appearance and amenities and the potentially negative impact on our property values:        

·        Outdated perimeter security

·        Vehicle back-up at entrance gates shared with BCCC

·        Road disrepair and erosion along Big Canyon Drive

·        Tired and stressed landscaping along the medians and entry gates

·         Safety concerns from growth of traffic activity within our Community and the major roads that flank it


These problems can no longer be ignored and your current Board is taking the necessary steps to address them.  BUT WE ALSO NEED THE COLLABORATION OF BIG CANYON HOMEOWNERS. More and more of you have complained or commented -- and we are listening.


Your feedback is important and we will continue to invite it.  Via these regular Action Updates, of which this is the first, we will keep you fully informed on this essential Community Improvement Project.  Please send  your input, helpful comments and any questions to: We want to hear from you.     


Of course, everything comes at a cost.  Those who have tracked our Community’s financials are aware of the significant under-funding of our reserves while expenditures have continued to climb.  Additional revenues will be required to pay for these much-needed improvements and in the near future we will provide you with a budget, construction timeline and funding options.  


As fellow-homeowners, your Board is taking every step to ensure maximum cost-efficiencies and an excellent work product.  We have engaged a line-up of well-proven civil and roadway engineers, landscape designers and other professionals to advise us on each project component.  We are also taking full advantage of available State and County rebate programs. We have already made excellent inroads in this regard and will provide details in our next Action Update. 


In closing, our fiduciary responsibility as your elected Board is to help protect our property values, keep our community safe and secure and preserve the unique lifestyle Big Canyon homeowners have come to expect.  Over the coming months expect to see lots of action and activity as we work to restore our Community to its full splendor!


 Thank you for taking the time to read our first Action Update.  Please stay tuned.   


Your Board of Directors,

Michael Brewer, Marilyn French, Gerald Giannini, Howard Lang, Michael Roney, J. Peter Scherer, Leonard Simon, Lillian Singelyn, Bill Taormina