Action Update #6

Vote “YES” or Face Negative Impacts on YOUR Property Value.

Let us start by sending you and your families our very best wishes for a happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving.


By now you should have received your ballot* enabling you to cast YOUR “YES” VOTE for the $5,000 per household special assessment.  Even though – because -- we are full-speed into the holiday season, we urge you to take the few minutes to fill-out and immediately mail in YOUR “YES” VOTE in time to be counted.  We are not overstating that the outcome of your vote will impact our BCCA Community for better or worse for years to come.

                        *(If you have not received your ballot, contact Accurate Voting Services at (949) 588-8500)


As a reminder, this special assessment is to replace the fast-eroding asphalt concrete along Big Canyon Drive, both a safety hazard and eyesore, and to replenish the Community’s seriously underfunded Reserves.  We know from some homeowner comments there is not a universal understanding of the Reserve function, so we hope the following “Cliff’s Notes” will help:     

  • The BCCA’s Governing Documents and State Civil Codes mandate an annual Reserve Study be undertaken by an industry professional to assist the Board in calculating the annual cost of operating our Association. This includes an assessment of funding necessary to cover the maintenance, improvement and replacement of Community components based on their remaining useful life.  This set-aside is our Funding Reserves.


  • Over the past 8 years our Funding Reserves have been in freefall, from a shortage of $45,000 in 2013 to $703,000 in 2021.  Today, we are funded at just 25.4%, a “high risk” level according to industry standards. 

  • Based on “remaining useful life”, we have hit our due date for fixing several Community elements, including our sump pump and backflow devices, our entry equipment and access system, our gatehouse lighting and exterior painting and our roadway pavement surfaces. 

  • Only with the $5,000 per household special assessment can we restore our Reserves to a healthy funding level and financially meet the operational obligations listed above.  

  • Without the $5,000 assessment, we must consider some tough cost-cutting measures to bridge the funding gap which are unbecoming to the stature of a luxury Community such as Big Canyon. Measures include eliminating or reducing manned coverage of East and West gate guard houses, reducing frequency of street sweeping, eliminating entry holiday lights and dialing-down replacement of dying trees and plants throughout the Community. 


It is not our intent to “cry wolf”, rather to be honest and transparent about the looming challenge we are facing and the urgency of voting in favor of the special assessment.  


If you have not yet mailed in YOUR “YES” VOTE, please do so immediately in the postage paid, pre-addressed envelope.  Your vote must be received in time for the ballot count taking place at the Special Meeting of Big Canyon Members, Thursday, December 9th – 6:00 PM, Big Canyon Country Club.  This will be highly informative and we urge you to attend along with YOUR “YES” VOTE ballot if you did not mail it in time.  We hope to see you there.    

Your Board of Directors,

Michael Brewer, Marilyn French, Gerald Giannini, Howard Lang, Michael Roney, J. Peter Scherer, Leonard Simon, Lillian Singelyn, Bill Taormina