Action Update #5

Vote “YES” or Face Negative Impacts on YOUR Property Value.

This week, you will receive your ballot enabling you to cast YOUR “YES” VOTE on the proposed special assessment of $5,000 per household. As a reminder, this special assessment is specifically to replenish the Community’s woefully underfunded reserves -- currently funded at just 25.4% and considered “high risk” --  as well as to replace the fast-eroding asphalt pavement along Big Canyon Drive -- an encroaching safety hazard and an aesthetic  blot. 


We cannot over-emphasize the importance of this ballot and YOUR “YES” VOTE. Quite simply, without YOUR “YES” VOTE, we will not have the funding to do the work needed. This, for sure, will have a negative effect on every Big Canyon homeowner’s property value.


The most efficient way to vote is to mail in your ballot in the postage paid, pre-addressed envelope as soon as you receive it. Please allow time for the slower U.S. postal service.   


You will also have received notice of the informative meeting below and we ask you make every effort to attend:   

Special Meeting of Big Canyon Members

Thursday, December 9th – 6.00 PM

Big Canyon Country Club

 Be assured, we are making progress with our current limited resources and exploring all cost-saving opportunities.  Case in point, an earlier Action Update referenced our application for two environmental and water efficiency rebates offered by the Metropolitan Water District, Orange County (MWDOC.) We are pleased to tell you the first rebate for turf replacement at the East and West entry gates and all the medians has been approved, and the second for conversion from our spray to a drip watering system in these areas, is expected shortly.   The MWDOC rebates which total approximately $262,000 cover OVER 90% of our turf and median replacement costs, leaving a net cost to BCCA of approximately $52,000. 


Bemus Landscaping will begin entry gate turf replacement shortly. Look out for the “Landscape under Renovation” signs. Please be aware the first step is to “kill off” existing turf before installing new plantings so it won’t look so good for a bit – but just remember the story of the Ugly Duckling!  


We hope we can count on you to send in your ballots with a ‘YES” VOTE in support of this much-needed special assessment. Your responses to these Action Updates confirms that numerous owners care deeply about the future of Big Canyon and maintaining the Beauty, Safety and Lifestyle of our unique Community.  

Your Board of Directors,

Michael Brewer, Marilyn French, Gerald Giannini, Howard Lang, Michael Roney, J. Peter Scherer, Leonard Simon, Lillian Singelyn, Bill Taormina