Action Update #4

Vote “YES” to help Make Big Canyon Better. We Need YOUR Help!

We are delighted to tell you our Big Canyon Action website is now “live”! We urge you to take a few minutes to visit it at It is easy to navigate, and content is relevant and timely so you can check out the current status of the BCCA improvement initiatives at any time. The website also enables posting of renderings, photographs and other effective visuals which will better “bring alive” the planned improvements to our landscaping, roadways, and other future projects. An email link is included under the “Contact” tab for your comments and questions. They are important, we read every one, and will continue to send individual responses when called for.

The essential safety improvements to Big Canyon Drive and refreshment of our median and entry landscaping is progressing. As you may know, just last week Governor Newsom declared a drought emergency across California with an appeal to everyone to save water -- further evidence we are on the right track with what will be new environmentally friendly, drought-resistant plantings. Two landscape renderings are posted on the website. (Please note these are concept designs at this stage.)

By now every BCCA homeowner will have received notice of the proposed $5,000 per household special assessment necessary to replenish our seriously underfunded reserves and pay for these overdue improvements.

Passing the assessment requires the “yes” vote. We cannot stress enough the importance of your favorable vote and urge you to participate.

The most efficient way to vote is to mail back your postage paid, pre-addressed ballot as soon as, or soon after, you receive it. Also plan to attend the informative Special Meeting of Big Canyon Members to be held at 6.00 PM, Thursday, December 9th at The Big Canyon Country Club.

As your Board our commitment is to “Maintain the Beauty, Safety and Lifestyle” offered by Big Canyon which is why we chose to capture this promise in the logo above. We are truly gratified by the encouraging responses from so many homeowners to these Action Updates and for your good suggestions of which we are taking note. While we all enjoy and appreciate “pats on the back,” we want to share just a handful of positive homeowner responses which we hope will prompt others to jump aboard with your support.

  • “I believe what you are doing is long overdue. . .you have our full support”

  • “Please keep communication coming to engage more members to support the projects needed that benefit all homeowners’ property values. . .”

  • “Big Canyon. . . represents elegance and class, so should not be changed in ways that degrade that status”

  • “I am so happy to hear something is finally being proposed to return our community to a respectable state”

  • “The action plan shows creative thinking, a pragmatic approach and a savvy understanding. . . You have our full support”

  • “We fully support the Board’s actions and recommendations”

  • “I am very hopeful we can get all the things being discussed accomplished – they will enhance our quality of life and add real value to our homes”

We are here to answer any questions you have, so please don’t hesitate. . . And please visit the website for more information and updates.

Thank you for your time and interest in reading this Action Update. We will be in touch again soon.

Your Board of Directors,

Michael Brewer, Marilyn French, Gerald Giannini, Howard Lang, Michael Roney, J. Peter Scherer, Leonard Simon, Lillian Singelyn, Bill Taormina