Traffic Calming taking Effect


The enforcement of traffic calming measures in the Big Canyon Community is not just a matter of safety; it's a matter of upholding the values and quality of life that define our community. By taking this essential step, we can protect our residents, prevent accidents, and create a more harmonious and enjoyable place to call home.

Reckless Driving on the Rise:
In recent years, the Big Canyon Community has witnessed a significant increase in reckless driving on our neighborhood streets. Speeding, and ignoring traffic signs have become common occurrences. This behavior not only endangers the lives of drivers but also poses a serious risk to pedestrians, cyclists, and children playing near the roads. The lack of proper traffic calming measures has allowed this problem to escalate, making our streets unsafe for everyone.

Prioritizing Community Safety:
The safety of our community members is paramount, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that our streets are secure. By implementing traffic calming measures such as radar speed signs and traffic cameras, we can reduce the speed of vehicles and encourage more responsible driving. These measures will protect the most vulnerable members of our community, including the elderly and children, who are often at greater risk of being involved in traffic accidents.

Proactive Prevention of Accidents:
The correlation between reckless driving and accidents is well-established. By enforcing traffic calming measures, we can significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring in our neighborhood. This not only saves lives but also prevents property damage and reduces the burden on emergency services. The implementation of these measures is a proactive step towards creating a safer environment for all residents of Big Canyon Community.

Enhancing Community Well-being and Quality of Life:
Beyond the immediate safety concerns, traffic calming measures contribute to the overall well-being and quality of life in our community. Quieter, safer streets encourage outdoor activities like walking, jogging, and cycling. They foster a sense of community and make our neighborhood a more pleasant place to live. By taking decisive action to enforce traffic calming, we are investing in the long-term health, happiness, and cohesion of the Big Canyon Community.